Courtesy of Road rage incidents are not only dangerous, they are exempted from coverage by many auto insurance policies. Understand your risks and take precautionary measures to avoid being a victim—or a cause—of aggressive driving accidents. Crowded highways and traffic backups at times cause drivers to lose control and become extremely aggressive. Road rage is a real problem that can lead to serious accidents or even incidents of violence on the road. It's important to realize that road rage is listed as an exemption in many auto insurance policies. This is because any damage or liability stemming from aggressive driving isn't considered an accident but rather as having been caused by risky behavior. Rather than risk paying the consequences of road rage—one of which may be not having your auto insurance claim paid—it's best to avoid a dangerous and costly aggressive driving incident in the first place. If you encounter an aggressive driver on the …
Driving and Seniors
Courtesy of Older drivers are keeping their licenses longer and driving more miles than ever before. The high fatality rates of this age group reflect the fact that older drivers are more easily injured than younger people and are more apt to have medical complications and die of those injuries. There is a growing need to help older drivers sharpen their skills as well as recognize their changing abilities and adapt their driving practices appropriately. Insurers have partnered with state and local governments, and groups such as AARP and the AAA Foundation for Highway Safety to create programs designed to address these needs. Improving Older Driver Safety According to the Governors Highway Safety Administration, impairments in three key areas—vision, cognition and motor function—are responsible for higher crash rates for older drivers. Vision declines with age; cognition, which includes memory and attention, can be impacted by medical problems such as dementia and …
Florida Ranks Low for Pedestrian Safety
Courtesy of Walking is definitely good for your health. But it may be dangerous to your life in busy cities, particularly in Florida. A study by Smart Growth America ranked eight Florida metros in the top 10 after analyzing pedestrian deaths over a 10-year period. The group created a Pedestrian Danger Index to compare pedestrian safety in cities of different size, density, and rates of walking. So, it’s not only a factor of big cities with more cars and more walking. The study contends it is also due to “poor pedestrian infrastructure,” meaning roads are designed to move cars along with little thought to people traveling on foot. There is an interactive map on the group’s website that pinpoints dangerous roads near you. Statistics on auto crashes show that about 20 percent of pedestrian fatalities are caused by hit-and-run drivers. Did you know that uninsured motorist coverage on your auto insurance policy can provide protection if you are hit as a pedestrian? Well, …