Insurance can provide limited coverage for property damage for small boats such as canoes and small sail boats or small power boats with less than 25 mile per hour horse power under a homeowners or renters insurance policy. Coverage is usually about $1,000 or 10 percent of the home's insured value and generally includes the boat, motor and trailer combined. Liability coverage is typically not includedbut it can be added as an endorsement to a homeowners policy. Check with your insurance representative to find out if your boat is covered and what the limits are. Larger and faster boats such as yachts, and personal watercraft such as jet skis and wave runners require a separate boat insurance policy. The size, type and value of the craft and the water in which you use it factor into how much you will pay for insurance coverage. For physical loss or damage, coverage includes the hull, machinery, fittings, furnishings and permanently attached equipment as part of either an actual …
Help on Protecting Your Business From Bad Weather Effects
Courtesy of With predictions of an above-average hurricane season issued by Colorado State University this week, businesses need to take measures to prepare and increase their chance of surviving, according to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.). Forty percent of businesses do not reopen after a disaster and another 25 percent fail within one year, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). But by taking action now to prepare, businesses can increase their chance of getting back on their feet financially and keeping their doors open. The I.I.I. and the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) recommend the following steps: Develop a Business Continuity Plan Having a business continuity plan is vital for companies to prepare for, survive and recover from a hurricane. Use IBHS free OFB-EZ® (Open for Business) business continuity planning tool to create a plan that focuses on recovering after the initial emergency …