Courtesy of One of the best ways to keep your auto insurance costs down is to have a good driving record. Listed below are other things you can do to lower your insurance costs. 1. Shop around Prices vary from company to company, so it pays to shop around. Get at least three price quotes. You can call companies directly or access information on the Internet. Your state insurance department may also provide comparisons of prices charged by major insurers. You buy insurance to protect you financially and provide peace of mind. It’s important to pick a company that is financially stable. Check the financial health of insurance companies with rating companies such as A.M. Best ( and Standard & Poor’s ( and consult consumer magazines. Get quotes from different types of insurance companies. Some sell through their own agents. These agencies have the same name as the insurance company. Some sell through independent agents …
Join Us Insurance Career Facts
Courtesy of There are more than a half-million professionals employed within the U.S. property/casualty insurance market. And, if you ask many of them how they got into the industry, most will call it a lucky break. My such stroke of luck occurred decades ago. I was working for a real estate developer, the housing market took a(nother) crash, so I needed to find work. A survey of the marketplace introduced the tremendous opportunities in the insurance field and brought me a wonderful, rewarding career. I highly recommend it! The insurance field brings a meaningful job. This is an industry that helps protect people and their finances. Insurance makes things happen. You need it to drive a car, build a home (or rebuild one after a disaster), to leave loved ones financially secure, to borrow money to build a business – and so on. Check out InsureMyPath for insight into the profession and a review of the types of career roles. For a student considering a college …
What’s Gap Insurance?
Courtesy of How gap insurance works When you buy or lease a new car or truck, the vehicle starts to depreciate in value the moment it leaves the car lot. In fact, most cars lose 20 percent of their value within a year. Standard auto insurance policies cover the depreciated value of a car—in other words, a standard policy pays the current market value of the vehicle at the time of a claim. If, when you finance the purchase of a new car and put down only a small deposit, in the early years of the vehicle's ownership the amount of the loan may exceed the market value of the vehicle itself. In the event of an accident in which you've badly damaged or totaled your car, gap insurance covers the difference between what a vehicle is currently worth (which your standard insurance will pay) and the amount you actually owe on it. When you might need gap insurance It’s a good idea to consider buying gap insurance for your new car or truck purchase if you: Made less than a 20 …